Are you playing or practising?Ā 

In today's world, with all the information out there, it's almost impossible to find clear, simple guidelines on what to practice because there is so much information available. One person says this and another says that. I have spent time with world class drummers and teachers and it has been eye opening to hear how many have worked on their skills with the same teaching materials as myself. There is one thing that stands out: It is important to understand the history of drumming and how different things are connected to each other. I've curated a list of books for you that, for me at least, have been very effective. I hope you will find these useful for you to practice and think about.

In the PDF guide you will also find tips on how to put together your own practice program.

Are you struggling to find time to practice drumming effectively? It can be difficult to find time to practice because of the busyness of daily life and when you get to the practice room you fall back into old habits. Playing and practicing are two completely different things!

Ā The PDF guide includes:

  • Get tipsĀ how to practice efficiently and make the best use of your time.

  • 14 books by topic that have been important to me over the years

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